Flood Risk Associate / Associate Director
Company Name: Tetra Tech
Company Registration Number: 29 69543
Contact Number: 0161 874 4685
Email Address: sophie.cochlin@tetratech.com
Number of Vacancies: 1
Contracted Hours of Work: 31+ hours
Length of Employment: Open ended (subject to visa permission)
Salary: various depending on experience, all more than Real Living Wage
Role Expiry Date: n/a
Location of Role: Manchester/ Leeds
Postcode: ls1 or m16
Key Responsibilities
We require an experienced individual of high calibre to lead projects for the flood risk and drainage teams at Tetra Tech across a range of activities such as river, coastal and flood defence design, hydraulic modelling and hydrology assessment, fluvial geomorphology assessment, water framework direct assessments and the development of business cases. We work across a diverse range of clients delivering challenging infrastructure projects for the private and public sector.
Essential Requirements
Have experience in the delivery and leading flood risk appraisals projects in accordance with the FCERM appraisal guidance